Monday 2 July 2018

20 Things I Learnt In my Early 20's

Your twenties can be a very stressful and confusing time in your life. For me they have been even worse than my teens. At least back then I had the option of crying to mommy to fix my problems. I've just hit my late 20's (we all know how fast time can fly when you're not paying attention).Finding myself definitely hasn’t been easy; but it was definitely worth it. I feel more whole than I've ever felt before. I let a few people go along the way (some by choice and other's due to ... life) but you know what, it was probably for the best.

It gets tough sometimes because you are expected to be this grown up person but at the same time you are still getting your shit together so it’s a little confusing. Anyways here are 20 things I have learnt in my 20's:

1.     Put yourself first, your twenties are meant to be your selfish years; discover exactly who you are (or want to be).
2.     Some guys will tell you they love you just to get what they want & it's nothing personal. 
3.     People leave sometimes - it's not your fault or anything you did. They leave because they want to so. Don't blame yourself.
4.     You can't make people see or own up to their wrong doings and it's not your job to.
5.     What people think of me is none of my business.
6.     People don't always tell you how they feel about you but they definitely show you; believe them.
7.     Happiness is a choice I get to make every day, even though some days are harder than others. Problems and sadness are not permanent. Always try to look on the bright side.
8.     Dating is not easy and you never have to feel pressured into it. It's okay to be single, there's nothing wrong with that.
9.     Everyone in life is on a personal journey and will take their time and that includes you, don't be too hard on yourself. Baby steps are better than no progress at all.
10. I do not to have my shit together right now as long as I'm trying. 
11. No one will ever make a broken person happy, work on you first. 
12. How people treat me is not an indication of my worth.
13. It’s alright that I do not to have a lot of friends; the right ones are what matters. People who are meant to be in your life will gravitate towards you naturally. The universe does kind of give you what you need.
14. Never force yourself to do anything you're not comfortable with to please anyone.
15. Whatever your gut instinct is saying, do that.
16. My parents know a shit load more about life than I do, listen to them every now and then but sometimes parents are wrong and that's because they are also human and make mistake.
17. How to forgive myself.
18. There’s no shame in crying as long as it’s not over the same thing time and time again. Take the time to feel the pain and heal, then move on.
19. The past is in the past and that's where it should stay; use it only to reflect. Even the bad choices were only meant to show or teach you something.
20. Age really is just a number.

But most of all I learnt that it's up to me to be happy and to learn how to love and accept myself for the beautiful, imperfect being I am. It’s okay to make mistakes in life as long as you are learning from them and progressing. We are all on different paths and journeys so do not compare your progress to your peers.

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